
Our firmwide actions in response to COVID-19

White Background, Purple Underscore Ampersand

Our priority is to ensure the health and safety of our people, our clients and the community.

COVID-19: current situation

  • Our COVID-19 Response Team meets daily to monitor the evolving situation
  • We have implemented many initiatives, including actions identified by State and Federal Governments and health organisations
  • We have no reported or confirmed cases of COVID-19 relating to our people at any of our offices
  • We have no planned office closures but can work remotely as necessary

Business continuity

  • Our Business Continuity Plan has been activated in the event we are required to temporarily close offices in any of our locations
  • We are pleased that our people already have the capability of working remotely. As flexibility is an important part of our culture, many of our people already work from home
  • We have also made additional investments in our infrastructure to cater for potential increased remote access

Safety and wellbeing actions

  • We have implemented many safety precautions in each of our offices, including directing our people to stay home if they have symptoms of illness and self-quarantine after suspected or possible exposure
  • All people accessing our premises are required to register and advise us of recent overseas travel, potential exposure and relevant health symptoms
  • We have cancelled all domestic and international business travel, cancelled all functions at our offices and directed our people not to attend external business functions
  • We continue to reinforce our office protocols regarding hygiene and introduced additional cleaning measures to maintain the healthiest work environment possible


  • Our priority always is to keep our people, clients, colleagues and the community safe
  • It is also important to us that we continue to assist our clients and the community during challenging times. You will continue to see articles and information being published by us about possible ramifications of COVID-19

Let's continue to work together to minimise the risks presented by COVID-19.

Thank you for doing your part to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of us.

Last updated Monday 16 March 2020

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