
Amanda Seguna

Amanda Seguna Profile Photo
Amanda Seguna Profile Photo

Amanda has broad experience in insurance law and commercial insurance litigation in both QLD and NSW. She has for many years acted for Australian and overseas insurers on a range of coverage, litigation and disciplinary matters.


In 2013, Amanda gained valuable insight into the key commercial issues facing insurers following a nine-month secondment with a Lloyds Underwriter. Earlier, she spent two years as the Associate to His Honour Judge Samios in the District Court of Queensland.

Amanda is admitted to the Supreme Court of QLD and High Court of Australia. She frequently litigates matters in both QLD and NSW and has also litigated matters in the ACT, Tasmania and both the Federal and High Courts. Amanda's defence of regulatory health matters also requires her to operate across all States and Territories of Australia.

Amanda's practice focuses on acting as defence counsel in the medical malpractice sphere, including in relation to defence litigation, disciplinary proceedings and coronial enquiries. She also acts as defence counsel in the litigation of personal injury and product liability claims involving complex multi-party disputes for national and international corporations and not for profit organisations. Amanda has advised insurers on complex contractual indemnity issues in various multi-party disputes.

Career highlights

Amanda's experience includes:

  • acting for various public hospitals, health districts and practitioners in multi-party personal injury and product liability proceedings arising from the use of vaginal mesh
  • defending personal injury claims brought against practitioners for failures in treatment provided
  • assisting allied health professionals in responding to disciplinary proceedings instituted by regulatory bodies
  • acting for practitioners in coronial proceedings
  • successfully defending a product liability claim against a medical device manufacturer
  • defending claims brought against not-for-profit organisations arising from allegations of historical child sexual abuse
  • advising and acting for underwriters in various claims brought directly against them
  • defending multi-party personal injury claims (for both head and sub-contractors) following injuries sustained by workers on construction sites
  • acting for a detention centre operator in relation to a claim contesting constitutional validity of detention. In addition to various personal injury claims, including by self-represented litigants
  • defending compensation to relatives and pure mental harm claims brought against a manufacturer, following the death of a consumer arising from allegations of a defective product
  • successfully setting aside a judgment and reinstating proceedings against a liable co-defendant following its release from proceedings upon the acceptance of an offer of compromise issued by the plaintiff.