
Chris Bresler


Chris is a dual-qualified construction and infrastructure lawyer, specialising in construction and insurance disputes.

He has over 20 years' experience covering substantial, multi-party disputes involving construction industry and insurance participants at all levels.

His practice extends to advice on a range of projects including large-scale renewable energy facilities, significant public infrastructure and facility expansions and private sector developments.


Chris has extensive experience in advising insurance and construction industry participants at all levels, including providing advice on coverage issues, and advising developers, major infrastructure contractors, specialist subcontractors and construction professionals on dispute resolution, negotiated settlements, adjudication, mediation, expert determinations, arbitration, and litigation.

Prior to migrating to Australia, Chris practised as a barrister in South Africa for 17 years.

Career highlights

Chris' career highlights include:

  • being appointed as Special Assistant to a tribunal member of a Commission of Inquiry into the failure of an investment bank, an investigative commission constituted in terms of the Banks Act 1990
  • being appointed Special Assistant to the principal evidence leader of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the rapid depreciation of the exchange rate of the rand and related matters
  • acting in seminal cell-captive insurance matter
  • advising on a ground-breaking solar photovoltaic array PPP
  • advising on an ecosystem enhancement biogas development
  • acting for Ghanaian state power utility in a multi-million US dollar retention and performance bonds matter
  • providing coverage advice in respect of several interrelated multidisciplinary indemnity claims arising from a single development
  • monitoring counsel in respect of various claims involving combustible cladding materials at public facilities
  • acting as counsel of a multimillion-dollar indemnity claim relating to a first party loss policy
  • acting for a Singaporean investment concern in cross-border international arbitration against a listed UK mining firm and its Mozambiquan mining concession holding subsidiary
  • acting for a major German motor manufacturer and its financial services subsidiary in financing, insurance and recovery matters