
Gen Kofoed

Image > Team Member > Gen Kofoed
Senior Associate
Image > Team Member > Gen Kofoed

Gen is an insurance coverage and litigation lawyer specialising in financial lines and professional indemnity claims. Gen is also experienced in large-scale litigated matters in the casualty/property space.


Gen has acted in a broad range of professional indemnity claims involving accountants and other financial professionals, as well as management liability claims and claims against directors and officers.

Gen is also experienced in solicitor's negligence claims, spanning a range of legal practices including family law, personal injury/worker's compensation, conveyancing, and migration law.

Gen has also acted for insurers and insured defendants in large scale litigation in the casualty/general liability space. These large-scale matters have also exposed Gen to related regulatory and statutory enquiries relating to renewable energy and energy safety.

Career highlights

Gen's career highlights include:

  • acting for an electricity inspector/contractor in relation to multiple bushfire class actions brought following the St Patrick's Day Bushfires in 2018
  • acting for a wind farm operator in defence of nuisance claims brought by nearby landowners against the Bald Hills Wind Farm
  • acting for the primary D&O and investment management insurance insurer of Tasmanian agribusiness group Gunns Limited, in connection with numerous proceedings brought against the companies and/or their former directors