
Ingrid Brent

Special Counsel

Ingrid is a skilled insurance litigator with substantial expertise in advising, representing and advocating for public and private hospitals, doctors, nurses, local government bodies, statutory authorities and major insurers.

The majority of her practice includes the litigation and resolution of a wide variety of disputes involving public health and medical negligence claims, and coronial investigations and inquests.


Ingrid has extensive experience with drafting and all forms of alternative dispute resolution, and has appeared in many contested interlocutory applications and successful court-ordered and informal mediations and settlement conferences.

Ingrid has specialised training and expertise in the AMA4 Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment and the Guide to the Evaluation of Psychiatric Impairment for Clinicians (GEPIC).

Career highlights

Ingrid's career highlights include:

  • acting for a large public hospital in the defence of a $3.4 million multi-defendant claim for an alleged delay in diagnosis and treatment of a brain aneurysm. Investigations revealed significant issues pertaining to the plaintiff's credit which resulted in the claim resolving for $400,000 plus costs (with the hospital contributing 20%)
  • acting for a large private hospital in a coronial investigation into the suicide of a nurse. There were some significant internal sensitivities regarding the circumstances and cause of her death. No adverse findings by the coroner against the hospital were made
  • acting for a large public hospital in the defence of a $4.7 million+ claim arising from an alleged delay in the diagnosis and treatment of meningitis in an infant. The claim was resolved for less than half the amount claimed by the plaintiff
  • acting for a large public hospital in the defence of a $4 million+ claim arising from a fall from an exercise bike. The claim was longstanding and the plaintiff had significant pre-existing injuries and comorbidities. The matter resolved for just over a quarter of the sum being claimed by the plaintiff
  • acting for a large public hospital in the defence of a $1.6 million claim arising from an alleged delay in diagnosis and treatment of Ogilvie's syndrome. The claim resolved for approximately one quarter of the plaintiff's total claim
  • acting for a large private hospital in the defence of a recovery claim made by the Victorian WorkCover Authority. The claim was resolved on the basis that each party walk away and bear its own costs.