
Kathleen Casey

Kathleen Casey Profile Photo
Special Counsel
Kathleen Casey Profile Photo

Kathleen has practised exclusively in personal injury and insurance litigation. She is experienced in matters involving occupiers’ liability, statutory recovery actions, workers’ compensation, product and public liability as well as asbestos and dust disease claims. Kathleen also has experience acting in high profile and sensitive personal injury matters, including institutional and sexual abuse claims requiring careful strategic management.


Prior to joining Lander & Rogers, Kathleen was a Senior Associate in general insurance at a mid-tier firm. She has also worked as a plaintiff lawyer at a major international law firm. Her experience provides her with a unique and valuable insight to litigation from the plaintiff’s perspective. This enables her to identify early settlement opportunities.

Career highlights

Kathleen's experience includes:

  • defending claims for workplace injuries, including common law damages claims and section 138 recovery actions brought by the Victorian WorkCover Authority
  • defending occupiers’ liability claims including ‘slip and trip’ claims brought by patrons of shopping centres, cafes and business operators
  • defending hotels, security providers, theatre and restaurant operators against personal injury and property damage claims, including assault claims
  • defending public liability claims made against building operators, engineers, manufacturers, builders and contractors
  • defending claims in asbestos related diseases
  • conducting coronial inquests and defending claims for compensation to relatives for nervous shock claims
  • conducting claims involving high profile and highly sensitive subject matters including institutional and sexual abuse claims.