Security of Critical Infrastructure Act explained

The functioning of Australia’s economy and society is underpinned by our critical infrastructure or essential services. However, geopolitical tensions and heightened cyber threats mean Australia’s critical infrastructure is increasingly under threat.

The Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (SOCI Act), which commenced on 11 July 2018, creates a framework for the regulation and protection of critical infrastructure sectors. As part of Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy 2020, the Australian Government introduced critical infrastructure law reforms with the aim to further protect and improve the resilience of Australia’s critical infrastructure. More than 18 months after its original announcement, the full package of reforms to the SOCI Act has been implemented with important implications for critical infrastructure sectors in Australia.

Continuous line drawing of a padlock.

Your guide to understanding the SOCI Act

In this guide, explore the importance of the reforms and the practical implications and obligations for Australian critical infrastructure providers. The guide also provides a snapshot of how the critical infrastructure reforms in Australia compare to other key jurisdictions in the US, UK, Canada, European Union, China and Singapore.


Legal expert and cyber security insurance partner Melissa Tan speaks with Lawyers Weekly editor Jerome Doraisamy about the SOCI Act reforms, and the rising threat of cyber security.