
Cameron Hannebery

Cameron Hannebery Profile Photo
Cameron Hannebery Profile Photo

Cameron is a highly experienced OHS and criminal law practitioner. He was Telstra's in-house health and safety legal counsel for 9 years prior to joining Lander & Rogers.


Cameron's expertise includes:

  • advising, negotiating and settling OHS/WHS prosecutions and, where necessary, conducting relevant court appearances
  • regularly providing officer due diligence advice and OHS/WHS training to boards and management
  • advising on client response to and management of serious incidents, including fatalities
  • drafting effective responses to WHS/OHS regulatory impact statements and regulatory exemption applications
  • representing clients in relation to coronial investigations and inquests.

He has been recognised in Best Lawyers in Australia for his expertise in Occupational Health and Safety Law.

Cameron is an LIV Accredited Specialist in Criminal Law.

Career highlights

Cameron's experience includes:

  • successfully negotiating the reduction of serious OHS Act charges faced by a client and then conducting the plea hearing himself, obtaining a moderate fine without conviction for the client
  • negotiating and managing Telstra's successful completion of an Enforceable Undertaking as an alternative to Federal Court proceedings commenced by Comcare as a result of a serious safety incident.