Employment and workplace

Experience exceptional advice and support from a law firm that's spent decades at the forefront of employment law and workplace relations.

Workplace disputes are personal in nature and can escalate quickly – this calls for a skilful legal team that responds promptly.

We’re a full-service employment law practice specialising in all aspects of workforce management – from employee engagements and contracts, industrial relations and workplace safety, to disputes, individual grievances and terminations.

Our employment lawyers do much more than provide legal advice, they create cost-effective and focused solutions. We’d sooner minimise risk and deescalate, than litigate a long and costly dispute on your behalf.

Practicality and pragmatism are the hallmarks of our work, but innovation is at its core. Our team is an early adopter of secure, digital solutions for seamlessly sharing data and information with our clients – and we’re at the forefront of using e-briefing technology with barristers.

Ask us about co-designing new ways to manage your employment and workplace safety matters.

Workforce management and disputes

Whether it’s a dispute with current workers, past employees or a union, we'll deploy proactive strategies that reduce risk to your organisation's productivity. In some cases, progressing to mediation, the Fair Work Commission or a court hearing can't be avoided, and that's when we'll assemble a team perfectly suited to the circumstances.

Workplace safety and accidents

We support executive leaders seeking to create workplaces that are safe, while also empowering employees to be productive. Our services include:

  • presenting to boards on safety compliance and assisting directors to meet obligations
  • reviewing policies and procedures to ensure they meet regulatory standards
  • working with businesses to review their risk management plans
  • preparing risk and compliance registers
  • advising on best-practice crisis management
  • investigating potential breaches and managing the interaction with regulators
  • responding to and advising employers on OH&S incident response plans
  • defending and prosecuting safety breaches

Employment contracts and policies

Carefully drafted, up-to-date policies and employment contracts (casual, fixed term, permanent) are among the best ways to protect you against workplace disputes. Our employment contract lawyers are abreast of the latest developments in employment law, including flexible work arrangement policies, and proactively share our knowledge of emerging risks, solutions and technological innovations.

Industrial relations and enterprise bargaining agreements

Our employment lawyers have navigated many of Australia's high-profile industrial matters, from the Sydney Trains dispute, to Victorian Country Fire Authority and Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade enterprise bargaining controversies. We've provided employer advice and helped countless medium-to-large businesses deliver on their bargaining objectives – often by swiftly intervening to prevent unlawful industrial action, or by gaining Fair Work Commission approval in contested applications.

Post-employment restraints

Corporate information and client relationships are invaluable – and we're experts at protecting these assets when employees breach their post-employment obligations. We'll intervene quickly and effectively to safeguard your interests when former employees breach their obligations, such as their restraint of trade agreements.

Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity

Our team of seasoned employment lawyers will provide nuanced guidance on navigating compliance in this sensitive area of the law. If a claim arises, such as on race, age, disability or sex/gender discrimination, we'll draw on a depth of knowledge accumulated over decades spent defending discrimination and equal opportunity claims.

Defending unfair dismissal and adverse action claims

Our workplace lawyers are highly experienced in defending unfair dismissal and adverse action claims in the Fair Work Commission and Federal Court. Our record of outstanding results speaks for itself, but we're also pragmatic. We recognise that immediate settlements on favourable terms are often the best way to mitigate risk.

Workplace investigations, mediation and training

Workplace bullying, harassment and discrimination claims are on the rise in Australia. Our employment lawyers regularly conduct and supervise workplace investigations, while ensuring natural justice and procedural fairness are preserved. When mediation is needed, our team includes several accredited mediators to draw upon. We also offer hands-on training on a variety of employment-related topics, including bullying and harassment in the workplace.

Employee incentive plans

We regularly prepare employee incentive schemes for both listed and non-listed businesses. We understand the drivers behind these plans and can protect your interests while still providing meaningful incentives to employees.

OH&S Incident Response Service for employers

From experience, we know that when you are faced with an urgent health and safety incident or industrial relations issue, this is a very stressful time and demands your immediate attention.

Our Incident Response Service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is accessed by calling 0411 111 000. The service will immediately transfer you to a senior lawyer in our Workplace Relations & Safety team, who will deal with your matter.

The benefits of using our Incident Response Service include:

  • immediate legal management of a health and safety or industrial relations issue
  • where appropriate, the attachment of legal professional privilege to early discussions surrounding a health and safety or industrial relations issue
  • liaising with various authorities on your behalf, such as workplace safety regulators, the coroner, police and emergency services
  • receiving advice on any incident notification requirements, as defined under state and Federal OH&S laws
  • ensuring consistency of legal approach throughout Australia
  • achieving quick and practical solutions for our clients' businesses