
Emily Bowly

Image > Team Member > Emily Bowly
Senior Associate
Image > Team Member > Emily Bowly

Emily has experience practicing law in a diverse range of workplace relations and discrimination laws. She assists employers with various aspects of the employment relationship.


Emily is client-focused and has an excellent understanding of client needs and desires.

Emily has expertise in:

  • unfair dismissal and general protections claims;
  • workplace bullying, discrimination and harassment, including conducting workplace investigations;
  • termination of employment;
  • managing ill and injured employees;
  • restraints of trade, including seeking injunctive relief;
  • transfer of business, including legal due diligence and advice;
  • statutory and common law contracts;
  • interpretation of enterprise agreements and modern awards;
  • organisational restructures and redundancies;
  • workplace policies and training;
  • occupational health and safety matters; and
  • industrial relations strategy and advice.

Career highlights

Emily's experience includes:

  • acting for a large tertiary education organisation in a claim in the Federal Court of Australia involving sensitive allegations of racial and disability discrimination and breaches of the general protections provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)
  • acting in a $280m acquisition of an industrial wholesale group by a large Australian retail company, including conducting legal due diligence and providing advice on transfer of business
  • acting for a Victorian public sector body in a workplace investigation into allegations of workplace bullying and fraud and corruption against a senior member of staff, including referring the matter to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission
  • acting for a large financial services company in a significant breach of fiduciary duty and restraint of trade matter involving senior executives completing a three-month secondment to the Workplace Relations team at Deakin University.