
Georgina Taylor

Image > Team Member > Georgina Taylor
Senior Associate
Image > Team Member > Georgina Taylor

Georgina has extensive experience assisting public and private sector clients across the full spectrum of advisory and litigious workplace law matters. Georgina has a particular interest in discrimination law.


Georgina's areas of expertise include:

  • state and federal discrimination law;
  • bullying and harassment law;
  • contractual and policy drafting, review and enforcement;
  • enterprise agreement and award interpretation;
  • enterprise bargaining;
  • enterprise agreement negotiation;
  • acting in significant acquisitions including conducting legal due diligence and providing advice on transfer of business;
  • advising Victorian public entities on their specific obligations;
  • acting against self-represented litigants;
  • managing ill and injured employees;
  • industrial action;
  • providing advice about restraints of trade (including litigious matters);
  • representing employers and employees in unfair dismissal and general protections claims; and
  • conducting workplace training.

Career highlights

Georgina's career highlights include:

  • instructing in a three-week discrimination and sexual harassment trial on behalf of a major university and individual respondents and defending the subsequent appeal to the Full Federal Court
  • assisting Victorian public sector bodies in relation to obligations under the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2016 and Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees including negotiating with the CPSU
  • acting for multiple higher education sector clients against unrepresented litigants (both employees and students) in the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission and the Human Rights list of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
  • completing two significant secondments to the University of Melbourne
  • representing an individual in the Supreme Court of Victoria enforcing contractual and redundancy entitlements
  • assisting in the High Court of Australia case of Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union v Mammoet Australia Pty Ltd
  • providing pro bono advice for the Warmun Art Centre both on- and off-site in a remote Aboriginal community in the East Kimberley.