ESG at Lander & Rogers
The global shift towards environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles is driving greater responsibility and sustainability in the business world. From ensuring environmental accountability and championing social justice, to upholding the highest standards of governance, ESG is reshaping the way we think about business, investment, and societal wellbeing.
In this evolving landscape, Lander & Rogers' commitment reflects a holistic understanding of the principles of ESG — one that prioritises the welfare of our people, environment and communities.
As advisors, advocates, and community members, we understand the complexities and interconnectedness of ESG issues, be it the ripple effect of climate change on industries, the ethical imperatives of corporate behaviour, or the increasing demand for transparent governance.
We're not just adapting —we're actively shaping the future with an ESG-informed perspective, and driving initiatives that echo these principles at the heart of our operations.
Join us in navigating the complexities of ESG, where law meets a brighter, sustainable future.
UN Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact provides our people with direction and a global perspective on the most significant environmental, social, and governance matters relevant to our operations. We utilise the annual Communication of Progress report to reflect on our organisational journey in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and corruption, and to identify areas for improvement where we can do more regarding outcomes and mitigating risks to ourselves and others.
Recognising that climate change is having a real and increasing impact on our people, clients and communities, discover how we're taking action to preserve our environment for the benefit of future generations.

Impact over time
- Commitment to reach net zero by 2030 and zero waste to landfill by 2025
- Achieved gender equity in our firm's partnership with half of practice groups led or co-led by women
- Winner of the outstanding Law Firm/Legal Practice of the Year | 2023 Women Lawyers Association of NSW
- Became Climate Active Accredited and implemented an environmental management system (EMS) with quarterly reporting to environmental governance group
- Became a member of the United Nations Global Compact
- Winner of Diversity Law Firm of the Year | 2022 Lawyers Weekly Women in Law Awards
- Employer of Choice | 2022 Australasian Lawyer annual ranking of top legal employees
- Top 25 Attraction Firms | 2022 Ranked #8 most attractive firm and #3 most attractive firm for women by Lawyers Weekly readers
- Achieved 100% renewable energy across the firm's offices
- Issued an environmentally-friendly travel policy and secured GreenPower electricity for our offices
- Employer of Choice | 2021 Australasian Lawyer annual ranking of top legal employees
- Environment Committee formed to accelerate people engagement and promote behaviour change at work and home
- Since 2020, Lander & Rogers has been named an Employer of Choice for Gender Equality by the Federal Government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)
- Winner of Diversity Law Firm of the Year | 2020 Lawyers Weekly Women in Law Awards
- Employer of Choice | 2020 Australasian Lawyer annual ranking of top legal employees
- Implemented environment policy and initial strategy
- Enhanced focus on firm's environmental impact with dedicated partner accountability
- Launched South Sudanese Business Response
- Adopted as lawyers for Warmun Arts Centre
- Introduced video and telecom connectivity to reduce travel requirements
- Focused on reducing paper consumption
- Community Engagement World of Work launched with Foundation Young Australians
- Launched firm's first reconciliation action plan (RAP)
- Joined the Australian Legal Sector Alliance - annual reporting on ESG matters
- Signed the Australian Pro Bono Centre Pro Bono Target
- Formalised the firm's Pro Bono and Community practice