
Nicola Cooper

Nicola Cooper Profile Photo
Senior Associate
Nicola Cooper Profile Photo

Nicola is a Senior Associate in the Family and Relationship team in Sydney. Nicola always aims to take a pragmatic approach in order to resolve matters in a cost-effective and efficient manner.


Nicola completed the graduate program at Lander & Rogers and was admitted to practice in May 2015.

Nicola has worked exclusively in family law since March 2016 and has gained experience in a wide range of financial and parenting matters. She has a particular interest in preparing Binding Financial Agreements for couples who are married or in a de facto relationship (or in contemplation of same).

Nicola also has an interest in pro bono work and coordinates the firm's involvement with Redfern Legal Centre.

Career higlights

Nicola's experience includes:

  • preparing submissions on behalf of the NSW Young Lawyers Family Law Committee in response to the Attorney General's Review of the Family Law System