
Child Relocation Global Practice Guide 2024: Australia chapter

Chambers & Partners has released its annual Child Relocation Global Practice Guide, with Lander & Rogers' Family & Relationship Law team authoring the Australia chapter for 2024.

Featuring contributions from family law firms across the world, the Guide provides the latest legal information on parenting laws and child relocation in 22 international jurisdictions. It serves as a comprehensive resource for family law professionals and family law litigants based in Australia and overseas.

Authored by international family lawyers Eleanor Lau, Skye Owen and Katarina Burdett, our Australian chapter addresses the laws covering parental responsibility in Australia. It outlines the process for moving internationally with a child and the steps taken by the court when determining relocation applications. We also address the process for returning an abducted child and the role of the Hague Convention in those cases.

As Australia's leading international family law practice, our lawyers have extensive experience representing clients with challenging cross-jurisdictional legal problems. We have lawyers who speak Cantonese, Greek Hebrew, Hokkien, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish and have a global network of family and corporate lawyers with whom we regularly collaborate for the mutual benefit of our international clients.

The Australian chapter can be accessed here, with the full guide available here.

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