
Skye Owen

Skye Owen
Special Counsel
Skye Owen

Skye has worked exclusively in family law since 2007. She is solution focused, passionate about resolving matters for clients and is committed to ensuring there is widespread access to the family law system.


Before joining Lander & Rogers, Skye worked as an Associate to a Judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia.

Her extensive experience at the Court developed her understanding across a wide range of family law issues. Her detailed knowledge of the procedural requirements of the Family Law Courts gives her a unique skillset, enabling efficient resolution of complex disputes. Clients trust her knowledge of the Court, and her assessment of likely outcomes.

Skye has extensive experience in social science research relating to family law and understands the importance to families of resolving conflict for the benefit of children. She is a current member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.

Skye has also worked as a legal associate to several of the part-time Members at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. She worked across a range of administrative areas including taxation, freedom of information, migration and social security.

Skye's areas of expertise include:

  • parenting arrangements for the care of children;
  • property settlements and financial disputes;
  • child support and spousal maintenance; and
  • Family Violence Intervention Orders.

Career highlights

Skye's career highlights include:

  • assisting in the establishment of the first Indigenous List in Family Law. She has been a member of the Indigenous Committee of the Law Society and has been actively involved in working towards improving access to justice for Indigenous Australians in the family law jurisdiction; and
  • providing advice at the financial abuse clinic managed by Redfern Legal Centre.